Animal Protection Foundation (APF) is a non-profit organization and dog shelter registered in Egypt under the number 5630.

APF helps the street dogs who have no-one else to care for them. Millions of strays are roaming the streets of Egypt, with the numbers growing alarmingly due to a lack of sterilization (spay/neuter).
The dogs in the streets are prone to being hurt by people or cars, or being sick. And although we only help those who are severely injured or very sick, however, the shelter is always working above its capacity.

We Provide rescue, shelter, medical care and re-homing programs inside and out side Egypt.

APF does not receive government or any other authority funding. We rely completely on donations.

Feel free to contact for


Phone: +20 01221104994
Address: Elharraneya – Gize (Near the Pyramids).

Our Vision and Mission

Being a community where animal welfare matters and animal cruelty has ended.

We are dedicated to improving the lives of animals in our community.  We promote the humane treatment of all animals and responsible pet guardianship , and work toward ending pets overpopulation through education and a variety of programs. We take pride in working to keep homeless pets safe, happy and sheltered at our sanctuary.

We endeavor to create animal welfare laws in Egypt.

Fundraising & Evidence of Action

  • The currency shown is in USD.


Transference Reference Number:

Donor’s Name:

Transfer date:

Dog’s Register:

Donation application:


EcoSteps A.C. is a Mexican NGO for environmental education and social activism.

In a recent trip to Egypt we found that the tourism wasn’t exactly as the pictures and movies everybody posted on social media, seeing all the animal cruelty and social problems made a change in our perspective and gave strength to the importance of the responsible tourism.

To make a change in tourist responsibility and create awareness @soy.cinco (president of ecosteps) posted this video of his own experience which nowadays has 3.5 Million on views on Tiktok and 850 thousand on Instagram social media platforms.

After a week this video was posted, a Mexican woman living in the US named Dalia contacted us to tell us that the dog from the video got rescued and named Zara, and by the APF (Animal Protection Foundation) and they were interested in an alliance to spread the word and seek for help.

Short after EcoSteps and the Animal Protection Foundation in Cairo were making this alliance to create a project “Zara’s Project” which is focused in sterilization around the area of the pyramids as a priority, since the government in Cairo and people are poisoning or killing stray dogs in touristic areas to avoid tourist seeing or controlling deseases. Therefore one of the easiest and better solutions is to sterilize the dogs around and put them on adoption, if the adoption is unsuccessful the sterilized dogs have to be released in a different area where they could be in less danger than in touristic areas.

We are aware than the main change to make is the creation of culture and education in the population about animal cruelty and responsibility of having pets, also the governance in the city to create animal rights, tourism regulations and better social conditions for people who live from tourism.

In Zara’s Project EcoSteps is focused in the traceability, where a dog is given a Number which is provided by the Cairo’s “Veterinary Medicine Directorate” which is an ID to every dog that is being trapped by any NGO of animal protection.

We understand that in Mexico we have similar problems, and that we can contribute easily in our community, but after all, this association in Cairo got very interested in what we do and were asking for our help that at the end every small help matters and can save lives, that’s why we decided to help and start this project together and create awareness in the people we can reach trough our media.

At the end Zara perished due internal damage caused by a wagon run over breaking her lower spine and was found very sick when rescued, but her name will be a reminder to EcoSteps that speaking up matters and there are people who cares.

We deeply appreciate the interest and every single donation.

Thank you!


Evidence of Zara’s rescuing 

Original Video

Click here to watch on Instagram.

Zara’s Project Meeting

@soy.cinco Zara es la razón por la que se iniciará un proyecto de esterilización y educación ambiental! Pero el agradecimiento es para ti, que viste, comentaste y compartiste para dar voz y generar cambios! #egypt #cairo #giza #animalrights #nature #love ♬ Sad Scene BGM Piano Instrument(313618) - HomeMadeGarbage

Click here to watch on Instagram.